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ISADORA SUR - Argentina 


Isadora Sur proposes an anchorage space to broach the figure of the mythical Isadora Duncan. A meeting point where all times converge: her “dance of the future” that is now part of the past and this past as the artificer of a dance where a dancer of the present embodies her ideas about the women of the future. Concepts, words and images that interrogate and cross us. What contradictions and tensions do they present to us? What are the new meanings we can give today to her dance and ideas?

20 min

12 years old


Idea, direction and peformance: Carla Rímola

Production: Laura Chidichimo Rinaldi

Direction Assistance: Candelaria Gauffin

Lighting Project: Sebastián França

Music: Santiago Torricelli and Federico Salgado

Costume Designer: Camila Castro Grinstein

Space and elements of the stage: Paula Molina

Historical advice and creative collaboration: Laura Papa

Artistic collaboration: Laura Figueiras, Laura Chidichimo

Light technician: Leandro Orellano

The Bank of Brazil, the Secretary of Culture, the Government of Brasilia, the Embassy of France in Brazil, the French Institute of Brazil and the Bem Cultural Institute present and sponsor

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