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18/4 Wednesday

Training Action - 2nd moviment

Presentation of the spectacle Eufonia for students of the public school system

9h30/15h - CCBB | Free | closed to participants | 50 min | audio description

In this edition, the MID’s formation action presents the show EUFONIA for 500 students with an intellectual deficiency and 64 professionals of the Brasilia public education network. Our strategy consisted in the promotion of three meetings of formation and pedagogical exchange with the participating teachers, and in the experimentation of a didactic material strictly created for the spectacle. Inspired by the cicadas’ biological and fabular cycle, we seek to expand the scene limits and approach the act of going to the theater as a classroom tool and also as a trip to the nature of our city - especially in september, when the first cicadas sprout due to the rainy season. Pedagogical Coordination: Glauber Coradesqui
Specialized Consulting: Magda Moura


Coordenação Pedagógica: Glauber Coradesqui

Consultoria Especializada: Magda Moura

Participating educators: Adalayne Lisboa Santos, Ana Maria L. B. Freitas, Andréia M. C. Albuquerque, Anna Cláudia Rodrigues, Araceli Alves Dantas, Ceni Brandão de Mendonça, Charllete Jefferson Lopes dos Santos Guerreiro, Clara Lucélia, Clara Medeiros Cândido de Araújo, Cláudia de Sousa, Cleide Saraiva, Cristiane Alves, Daniele Martins Rodrigues, Delani Marcele da Cruz Pereira de Souza, Elaine Sales Chaves, Eliana Lisboa Veras, Elieusa Silva, Elizabete de Aguiar, Elizabete Maria de Souza Silva, Érica Fernanda P. Curado Trabuco, Eva Maria da Fonseca, Fabiane Santos Thomas, Fabrício Santos Dias de Abreu, Fátima Roseli, Fernanda Patrícia Pereira, Iremar Ferreira Amorim, Jaqueline Corrêa Lustosa Machado, Joana Darc Crus, Joselim Valim, Juliana Geni Gomes, Juliana Gessi Gomes, Jussara Soares de Brito Azevedo, Karina Tittoto, Kelly Cristina da Silva, Leopoldo José Alves, Lígia dos Reis, Lucitânia Izabel Marques Rosendo, Mabel Gomes de Farias, Márcia S. G. Coelho, Margareth Ferreira, Maria Ângela Nogueira, Maria Antônia G. de Souza, Maria Cecília Pereira Alexandre, Maria das Dores Marcelino, Maria Natalícia P. da Silva, Marianize Nunes, Marileide Alves da Silva, Marilene Sebastião de Oliveira, Marinalva Pereira da Silva, Marisa Faleiros, Myriam da Silva, Núbia Guimarães, Patrícia Milanez, Rita de Cássia Rodrigues, Roseane Aparecida G. Morais Alves, Sandra Freire, Sidney Silva, Sueli Andrade, Teresinha do S. de Novaes, Verônica Camargo, Vilma Helena de Melo, Vilma Matos Serafin, Yanelle Rosa


The Bank of Brazil, the Secretary of Culture, the Government of Brasilia, the Embassy of France in Brazil, the French Institute of Brazil and the Bem Cultural Institute present and sponsor

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