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16/4 Monday

Contemporary dance workshop with Angelica Zignani

10 - 12h | IFB Campus Brasília | maximum 20 people

Target Audience: people interested in Arts, Educators and Art Educators

In order to experience creation from the senses, the activities promote the spontaneous listening, feeling, and perception of movement and stimulate sensitive discoveries that, developed, produce cells of movement. Through these motives, we seek to untie the rational in creation. The workshop proposes a contact with several potentially expressive creative layers that make up the body.


CV: Actress and researcher focusing on imbalance, in spaces and alternative platforms of creation and performance in dance and theater. Since her professionalization in 2003, she has participated in several courses and workshops, like the Intensive Gaga Belgium, by Ohad Naharin, in Antwerp, Belgium (April / 2017) and the formation of the project Segni Mossi in Mallorca, Spain (April / 2017).

20/4 Friday (new date!)

Contemporary dance workshop with Nadar Rosano 

10 - 12h | IFB Campus Brasília - sala 202/203 Bl C | 15 people

Target audience: actors, dancers, performers - students and practitioners of the scene arts.


The Nadar Workshop is based on the technique of Release, Yoga and his professional experience as a dancer and choreographer. In the workshop Nadar emphasizes the flow of movement, spatial awareness, expanding physical capacities and proposing a strengthening of the body in action. During the lesson, participants will experience their bodies as a whole that includes emotions, senses, desires, imagination, instinct, and freedom. They will work with images that carry them to the deeper layers of the state of consciousness.

CV: Nadar Rosano is a dancer and an independent choreographer and currently lives in Tel Aviv-Israel. His works have been presented in Spain, Lithuania, Israel, Korea, United States and several other countries in Eastern Europe. Recognized and awarded as an educator since 2007, he has spread the technique of release in several Festivals.

20/4 Friday

Ethnic Dance workshop with Orit Succary 

19h | Zahra Studio de Dança do Ventre | Sign-up only on site| R$30,00 | Limited vacancies

The White Line - ancient & contemporary Ethnic Dance with Israeli teacher Orit Succary.

It will be a class rich in variety of rhythms, traditions, music and female expression.


Address: CRS 506 Bl A sl 101 e 103, Brasília

Phone: (61) 3242-2807

21 and 22/4 Saturday and Sunday

Workshop on urban intervention with Luciana Lara

21.04 | 14 - 17h and 22/04 | 15h - 17h | CCBB Brasília | Unlimited vacancies

Performance presentation: 22/04  17h - 19h

Target Audience: Over 18 years old, willing to participate in all workshop activities, including in the urban intervention.

The workshop proposes a collective experience modifying perception and affection in urban space and promotes reflection on the practice with urban interventions. Starting from the practice of exercises and the sharing of dramaturgical studies, part of the process of creating the urban intervention “Sacolas na cabeça”, the participant will get in touch with the theoretical and practical notions that permeate the urban intervention works developed by Anti Status Quo Companhia de Dança during its 8 years of research in this field of artistic performance. The workshop culminates in the accomplishment of the urban intervention “Sacolas na cabeça” with the workshops participants together with the Company dancers.

CV: Luciana Lara is a choreographer and director of the Anti Status Quo Companhia de Dança (Brasília-DF). Master of Arts at the Universidade de Brasília-DF-UNB / Research Line: Compositional Processes for the Scene. Specialization in choreography and choreology at the Laban Center in London-England (1996-1998). Graduated in Arts Education with qualification in Performing Arts by the Faculdade de Artes Dulcina de Moraes. Professor of Body and Movement since 1988 and author of “Archeology of a Creative Process - A Choreographic Book” - Editora Antistatusquo (2010).

23 and 24/4 Monday and Tuesday

Um corpo que dança, workshop with Ana Paula Bouzas

8 - 12h | IFB Campus Brasília | 15 people

Target audience: actors, dancers, performers - students and practitioners of the scene arts.

Required material: Each participant must take an excerpt from a literary or dramaturgical work about which he/she already has some knowledge or at least the desire to investigate it.


From small pieces of theatrical works and literary fragments, we will experiment in the proposed creation laboratory, brief individual and collective creations, in order to investigate the traffic between the varied frequencies of a joker body, but above all, its real desire of sound or silence, their true need for rest or movement. A scenic body that can detach itself from the clear reproduction of possible assimilated codes, and may not point itself one reading of any specific practice and then affirms itself as a powerful, but joking, body text that will always dance in any scene, a dance of intensities, between the word and the movement, the voice and the gesture.


CV: Ana Paula is a dancer, actress, choreographer, teacher. Graduated in Dance and postgraduate in Body Preparation in the Performing Arts by Angel Vianna College, she works as a director, motion director, casting trainer and body builder in several theater, film and TV projects. Ana Paula teaches body classes - creative laboratories (awareness, training, creativity, research), contemporary dance and theater for young people and adults, students and professionals of the performing arts and also people interested in activities focused on the body and its potentialities.

23 and 24/4 Monday and Tuesday

Uma luz para sua dança, workshop with Fábio Espírito Santo

14 - 18h | IFB Campus Brasília | 10 people

Target audience: young choreographers and dancers interested in scenic lighting

Requirement: suggest a filmed fragment of the creation or screenplay of the show to be shared, discussed and worked out as an exercise during the workshop.


The workshop proposes a space for knowledge exchange with the aim of investigating aesthetic and expressive principles and concepts of scenic lighting for dance, as well as technical notions for the elaboration of light projects (equipment use, angles, color filters, maps and operation scripts) from the artistic project of each inscribed professional.

CV: Graduated in “Social Communication - Cinema and Video”; specialization in “Screeplays for TV and video” and “MBA in Cultural Goods - Culture, Economy and Management” by Fundação Getúlio Vargas. His most recent works in the performing arts are the lighting of “I organize the movement” (2017-RJ); the direction and dramaturgy of the show “Carmen, de Cervantes” (2015-RJ). Theatrical director of several shows for adult and young audiences, playwright and award-winning lighting designer, he worked as a scriptwriter and director of educational and institutional films. He was technical coordinator of events and concert halls between 1996 and 2008.

25/4 Wednesday

Physical Endless, workshop with Victoria Miranda

14 - 16h | IFB Campus Brasília | 15 people

Target audience: actors, dancers, performers - students and practitioners of the scene arts.


Victoria Miranda’s workshop is highly physical, composed of sequences of displacement with proposals of attack, speed and precision of movement. The goal is to guide participants to develop a strong individual presenceas well as coordination and dissociation of different parts of the body focusing on the energy center. Through games and different repetition and recycling exercises, participants will immerse themselves in this Physical Endless.


CV: With an academic background in pedagogy, Victoria studied at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza (CSDMA), Madrid and in the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine (CNDC), L’Esquisse, Angers - France. She has extensive recurrent training with several choreographers from all over the world. Since the 90s she has worked as a director, researcher and interpreter with works presented in Europe, United States and Latin America. “Let us work on primitive, nonsense, subjectivity. Let us take the essential of each and everyone at the same time and we will reach a physical and primitive state. Let’s try to change the same usual patterns to surprise ourselves.” 

26/4 Thursday

HIP HOP workshop with Bouba Landrille

14 - 16h | IFB Campus Brasília | 15 people

Target audience: dancers with strong experience in urban dances.


Bouba Landrille Tchouda proposes a dialogue around an attentive choreographic research, focused on a meaning in dance, stimulated by the energy of hip-hop dances. The choreographer suggests starting the encounter with the foundations of dance (flow, weight, time, space, dynamics of the movements) to discuss with the dancers the technical bases that allow them to better understand hip-hop dance. These technical bases will then be put into practice collectively.


CV: Bouba Landrille Tchouda belongs to the generation of choreographers of the hip-hop movement who developed a singular writing. His dance is a hybrid music, physical and smooth. It flows between breaking dance to capoeira and between capoeira to a form of contemporary energy, paving the way for endless combinations, innovations and dialogues.


28/4 Saturday

Contemporary dance workshop with Lali Chidichimo,
Carla Rímola e Teli Ortiz (Argentina)

10 - 12h | IFB Campus Brasília | 20 people

Target audience: practitioners of all movement areas


Practice, training and developing the skills of the improvising interpreter. Improvement of consciousness to arouse the agility within the scene. The body as a starting point for dealing with improvisation tools and choreographic composition. Reflection on the movement and its semantic possibilities, on the role of the spectator in the perception, observation, recording and analysis of the scenic event.


CVs: Lali Chidichimo, Carla Rímola and Teli Ortíz are dancers with a background in contemporary dance, experienced teachers and choreographers with great recognition in national and international festivals.

The Bank of Brazil, the Secretary of Culture, the Government of Brasilia, the Embassy of France in Brazil, the French Institute of Brazil and the Bem Cultural Institute present and sponsor

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