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Adágio para Oito - DF 

Cia Contemporânea Noara Beltrami

10 mins

Rating: General Audiences


The project in question invests in body research and transformative critical reflection that surrounds the universe of contemporary dance so that one can mediate and problematize the perceptions of the dancers. The show that will be presented shares ideas that refer to a knowledge that is built in direct contact with the action, reflection and return to action in a continuous way and without limiting the end of the research work at the end of the show because it will always be under construction.


Cast & Crew

Director – Noara Beltrami

Choreographer - Fabiano Lima


Amanda Freitas

Murilo Lira

Rafaella Peres

Brenda Aissa

Lorran Kaliê

Maria Eduarda Andrade

Max Lima

Stephany Lima

Lucas Arruda

Lucas Silva

Bárbara Elen

Luiza Sclabrini

Warley de Castro

Gabriel Marinho

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