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DiFilms BallyDance - DF
Jalila Najla Cia de Dança do Ventre
Rating: General Audiences
A performance based on love, affection and friendship! For Professor Jalila, Difilms represented the kick-off of her solo career, and today she is here with great pride accompanied by CIA de Dança do Ventre. A performance in which she can show with the members of CIA, her charm, magic and dedication for this incredible ancient art called Belly Dance!
Cast & Crew
Director and Producer - Jalila Najla
Ballet Dancers:
Hanya Kayra
Hanna Layla
Ayla Ayana
Dahra Zareen
Lara Zahkeeyah
Saahirah Akilah
Sue El Zayek
Alana Mahara
The Bank of Brazil, the Embassy of France in Brazil and the French Institute of Brazil
present and sponsor
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