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DiFilms BallyDance - DF

Jalila Najla Cia de Dança do Ventre


Rating: General Audiences


A performance based on love, affection and friendship! For Professor Jalila, Difilms represented the kick-off of her solo career, and today she is here with great pride accompanied by CIA de Dança do Ventre. A performance in which she can show with the members of CIA, her charm, magic and dedication for this incredible ancient art called Belly Dance!


Cast & Crew

Director and Producer - Jalila Najla

Ballet Dancers:

Hanya Kayra

Hanna Layla

Ayla Ayana


Dahra Zareen

Lara Zahkeeyah

Saahirah Akilah

Sue El Zayek

Alana Mahara

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