Artist Residency
4/27 to 5/5
Martha Hincapie (Colombia)
Dance Center / DF | 20 participants
The artistic residency of the MID in this edition, will be conducted during nine consecutive days, contemplating 40 hours of work, by the Colombian choreographer Martha Hincapie and will culminate with a presentation on the occasion of its closing.
Martha Hincapie, studied Dance in Colombia and finished her studies in Dancetheater and SoloDance at the Folkwang Hochschule Essen, Germany, under the guidance of Pina Bausch, with professors like Lutz Förster, Dominique Mercy and Malou Airaudo.
She is currently working with Bob Wilson and creating a duo with a Syrian refugee dancer. She is the artistic director of the Berlin Platform / SurReal since 2011: Ibero-American Festival of Dance, Performance, Installation and Screendance and curator of the Cali Dance Biennial 2015, Colombia. Marta speaks Spanish, English, Italian and German.
Para a Residência, Martha irá desenvolver um trabalho com os participantes com base em solo Antropomorpha.
For the residency, Martha will develop a work with participants based on Anthropomorpha soil.
Sobre "ANTROPOMORPHA - pensamentos sobre o antropocentrismo é um ensaio aberto para compartilhar sua pesquisa física para um projeto de performance solo de longa duração baseado na influência dos seres humanos sobre o estado atual da sociedade com foco na pesquisa. de mitologia, animalidade e progresso. O objetivo do projeto é dar uma olhada em uma seção arcaica da história da humanidade e ter uma visão do futuro. A pesquisa é dedicada ao grande tema da atual crise existencial da humanidade e é investigada através da dança, movimento e corpo, com referências nas culturas ancestrais das Américas.
About "ANTHROPOMORPHA" - Thoughts on Anthropocentrism is an open essay to share your physical research for a long lasting solo performance project based on the influence of human beings on the current state of society with a focus on research on mythology, animality and progress. The aim of the project is to take a look at an archaic section of human history and to have a vision of the future. The research is dedicated to the great theme of humanity's present existential crisis and is investigated through dance, movement and body, with references in the ancestral cultures of the Americas.
04/27 and 28 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
04/29 and 30 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
05/01, 02 and 03 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
05/04 and 05 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
05/05 Closing at 4:00pm