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Homem Torto - São Paulo

Eduardo Fukushima

40 minutes

Rating: General Audiences


"Torto is an unsymmetrical dance that suggests a fragile body that has the vigor of the strong. It is a dance that units opposites such as hardness and lightness, fragility and strength, being close and far from the audience, balance and imbalance, fluid and slashed movements, inside and outside the body. Homem Torto is a dance that passes the eyes of the public, it is passage, it is walking, it is going, it is insistence, it is naked and raw movement".

(By Eduardo Fukushima)


Cast & Crew

Artistic Director, Creation and Dance - Eduardo Fukushima

Orientation - Lin Hwai Min

Musical Composition - Tom Monteiro

Light Creation - Hideki Matsuka

Collaborating Artists - Beatriz Sano, Julia Rocha and Hideki Matsuka.

Light and sound operation and assembly - Calu Zabel, Hideki Matsuka or Igor Sane.

Costume Designer - Eduardo Fukushima

Photos - Inês Correa

Creation of Graphic Material - Ana Elisa Carramaschi

Supporters - Rolex Mentor& Protégé Arts Initiative, lote #3 Casa do Povo e Sesc São Paulo.

Producer - Carolina Goulart

Acknowledgements – To the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre group of Taiwan, the community of Tai chi Dao Yin in Taiwan.

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