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Solos de Stuttgart
Production: Marcelo Santos
"Le Somnambule"
Choreographer & Dancer - Kévin Coquelard, França, 4 mins, Rating: PG-16
"Equal to Men"
Choreographer - Roberta Ferrara, Dancer -
Tonia Laterza, Italy, 3 mins
"Blank Spots"
Choreographer & Dancer - Lukas Karvelis, Lituania, 3mins
"In dieser Frau"
Dancer - Francesca Bedin, Choreographer -
Giulia Menti, Italy, 3 mins
"Maa Labyrinthe"
Choreographer & Dança - Jain Souleymane Kone, Burkina Faso, 4mins
The Bank of Brazil, the Embassy of France in Brazil and the French Institute of Brazil
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