18/04 Thursday
Composição Brasília
Fracasso Coreográfico – Coletivo Ceda-si
Entre Esquivas – Raiz de Três
Adágio para Oito – Cia Contemporânea Noara Beltrami
SESC Newton Rossi Theater - Ceilândia
7:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission | Audio-description and chat after the presentation (30 mins) | sign language
Murmures - Cia Irene K
Renato Russo Cultural Center – Central Area
7:30pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Título em Suspensão - Eduardo Fukushima
Renato Russo Cultural Center - Galpão Theater
8:00pm, PG-12 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
19/04 Friday
Homem Torto - Eduardo Fukushima
Renato Russo Cultural Center - Galpão Theater
8:00pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
20/04 Saturday
Renato Russo Cultural Center
From 11:00am to 3:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
Empreintes - Cia Irene K
Outdoor Area CCBB
7:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
Tears - Edivaldo Ernesto
Plínio Marcos Theater (Funarte)
7:00pm, PG-10 | Free Admission
Palco Aberto
07 Coreografias
DiFilms Ballydance – Jalila Najla Cia de Dança do Ventre
Espaço de Trás – Rosa Schramm
Guerreiras – Backstage Performance
Hábraços – PÉS – Teatro-Dança com Pessoas com Deficiência
Recortes de um Corpo Mambembe – Transições Companhia de Dança e Artes
Resiliência – Grupo Charadas
Vulcânicas – Larissa Hollywood
Outdoor Area CCBB
2:00pm to 8:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
21/04 Sunday
Tel Quel – Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours
CCBB Theater
11:00am, PG-7 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Outdoor Area CCBB (Central Area)
2:00pm to 6:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
23/04 Tuesday
Jardín de Invierno – Cia. Cielo Raso
Training Actions
Plínio Marcos Theater (Funarte)
3:00pm, General Audiences | Private Admission
24/04 Wednesday
Composição Brasília
Fracasso Coreográfico – Coletivo Ceda-si
Entre Esquivas – Raiz de Três
Adágio para Oito – Cia Contemporânea Noara Beltrami
SESC Paulo Gracindo Theater - Gama
7:00pm, General Audiences
Audio-description and chat after the presentation (30 mins) | Free Admission
El Cuerpo Vacío – Cuatro x Cuatro
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
25/04 Thursday
O Vazio é Cheio de Coisa – Cia Nós no Bambu
Plínio Marcos Theater (Funarte)
7:00pm, PG-14 | Chat after the presentation (30 mins) | Free admission
Composição Brasília
Fracasso Coreográfico – Coletivo Ceda-si
Entre Esquivas – Raiz de Três
Adágio para Oito – Cia Contemporânea Noara Beltrami
Teatro SESC Paulo Autran - Taguatinga
7:00pm, General Audiences | Audio-description and chat after the presentation
(30 mins) | Free Admission
Le Somnambule - Coreografia & dança: Kévin Coquelard – (França)
Equal to Men – Coreografia de Roberta Ferrara e Dança Tonia Laterza – (Itália)
Blank Spots - Coreografia & Dança Lukas Karvelis – (Lituânia)
In Dieser Frau – Dança Francesca Bedin e Coreografia Giulia Menti (Itália)
Maa Labyrinthe - Coreografia & Dança Jain Souleymane Kone (Burkina Faso)
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, PG-16 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
26/04 Friday
Palco Aberto
13 Coreografias
Adágio para Oito – Cia Contemporânea Noara Beltrami
Amanaiara - Alumeia Criações Artísticas
Cabernet – Rodrigo Cruz Cia de Dança
DiFilms Ballydance – Jalila Najla Cia de Dança do Ventre
Entre Esquivas – Raiz de Três
Fracasso Coreográfico – Coletivo Ceda-si
Guerreiras – Backstage Performance
Hábraços – PÉS – Teatro-Dança com Pessoas com Deficiência
Os Segredos do Matulão - Transições Companhia de Dança e Artes
Recortes de um Corpo Mambembe – Transições Companhia de Dança e Artes
Resiliência – Grupo Charadas
Vulcânicas – Larissa Hollywood
Plínio Marcos Theater (Funarte)
7:00pm, PG-12 | Free Admission
Vin\co – dançapequena
Renato Russo Cultural Center – Galpão Theater
8:00pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price) |
Chat after the presentation (30 mins)
27/04 Saturday
Malahierba – Vaya Art Of Human Movement
Renato Russo Cultural Center –Galpão Theater
6:00pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Jardín de Invierno - Cia. Cielo Raso
Renato Russo Cultural Center – Multipurpose Theater Room
6: 30pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Happi, La Tristesse du Roi – Cie James Carles Dance & CO
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, PG-16 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
28/04 Sunday
Je Te Haime – HURyCAN
Renato Russo Cultural Center – Multipurpose Theater Room
6:00pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Mazombo – Fohat Cia de Dança
CCBB Theater
20pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Nosotros - Jaciel Neri
Renato Russo Cultural Center - Galpão Theater
20:30pm, General Audiences | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
01/05 Wednesday
Estou sem Silêncio – Quasar Cia. de Dança
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, PG-10 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
02/05 Thursday
Estou sem Silêncio – Quasar Cia. de Dança
CCBB Teatro
20h, 10 anos | R$ 20 (inteira) e R$ 10 (meia)
04/05 Saturday
Aulas de Dança (Forró, Vogue e Frevo)
Outdoor Area CCBB (Central Area)
2:00pm, 4:00pm and 6:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
Singspiele – Maguy Marin
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, PG-14 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
05/05 Sunday
Encerramento Residência Artística
Dance Center of the Federal District
4:00pm, General Audiences | Free Admission
Singspiele – Maguy Marin
CCBB Theater
8:00pm, PG-14 | Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Banco do Brasil Cultural Center/Brasília
SCES, Trecho 2, Lote 22, Brasília – DF www.bb.com.br/cultura
Open Tuesdays to Sundays from 9:00am to 9:00pm E-mail: ccbbdf@bb.com.br
Opening: April 18, 2019. Closing: May 5
Tickets: R$ 20 and R$ 10 (half–price)
Banco do Brasil's customers have a 50% discount on all the festival shows.
CCBB box office: Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 9 pm or www.eventim.com.br
CCBB Information: Tel: (61) 3108-7600
Theater capacity: 243 seats (plus 10 wheelchairs)
*The tickets for the MID in the CCBB will start selling on April 13 at the CCBB box office or on the website www.eventim.com.br
** Electronic waste donators pay half-entry.
***The shows have ratings from General Audiences to PG–16.
Galpão Theater and Multipurpose Theater Room
(Renato Russo Cultural Center (Avenida W3 Sul, Quadra 508) Phone: 98602-0732 Tickets: R $ 20 and R $ 10 (half-price).
Tickets: www.ingressorapido.com.br or an hour before at the box office of Renato Russo Cultural Center (Telephone 98602-0732).
Plínio Marcos Theater
(Funarte Cultural Complex - Setor de Divulgação Cultural, Lt 2 - Monumental Axis). Phone: 2099-3080. Tickets: R $ 20 and R $ 10 (half-price). Presentations of the Open Stage: R $ 10 and R $ 5 (half-price).
Sesc Paulo Autran Theater
(CNB 12 AE 2/3, Taguatinga Norte). Phone: 3451-9150. Free admission.
Sesc Newton Rossi Theater
(QNN 27 Special Area Lot B, Ceilândia Norte). Phone: (61) 3379-9586. Free admission.
Sesc Paulo Gracindo Theater
(SIND QI 1 - Pte. Alta Norte (Gama) Phone: 3484-9103 Free admission.