Título em Suspensão - São Paulo
Eduardo Fukushima
40 minutes
Rating: PG-12
Two pieces of sticks and a stone, objects of ignition of movement, the creation of a dancing character, a prehistoric man, a wizard, a blind and defeated ninja or a street man. A dance for all those who are in solitude, for those who are in struggle, for those who live on the edge, for the defeated, for those who feel forgotten, for those who live in suspension. This research began in collaboration with the visual artist Mateo López with the support of the Luisa Strina Gallery in São Paulo.
Cast & Crew
Creation and dance - Eduardo Fukushima
Musical Composition and Sound Operator - Rodolphe Alexis
Dramaturgy - Júlia Rocha
Lighting Creation - Hideki Matsuka and Igor Sane
Lighting Operator - Igor Sane
Assistant Sound Technician - Tom Monteiro
Costume Designer - Alex Casimiro and Eduardo Fukushima
Costume Maker - Alex Casimiro
Producer - Carolina Goulart
Support - Galeria Luisa Strina (São Paulo, Brasil), Hellerau (Dresden, Alemanha), Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Alemanha), TanzHaus, NRW (Düsseldorf, Alemanha), Festival DNA (Navarra, Espanha) along with Rolex Mentor & Protégé Arts Initiative (Genebra, Suíça)
Co-production - Sesc SP (São Paulo, Brasil).
Acknowledgments - Mateo López, André Menezes, Beatriz Sano, Eduardo Bonito.