El Cuerpo Vacío - México
Cuatro X Cuatro
50 mins
Rating: General Audiences
EL CUERPO VACÍO is a work that puts the body as the main territory of contact with the world.
Cuatro X Cuatro it’s a laboratory of artists and creatives that was integrated in 2007. It’s members come from different parts of Mexico, summoned by Shantí Vera. Since 2009 they have develop projects and spaces to think and to be together. Their work is situated between dispose the body and enhance the flesh. Their Thought covers light, sound, color and matter as states and spaces as distributions of the sensible; they are interested in gravity (the force and metaphor); choreography and the choreographic; the Mexican context and Latin America; the South (not geographically but as a missing territory). They have performed in 17 countries in Europe and Latin America and have received multiple awards, prizes, grants, fellowships and subsidies. Cuatro X Cuatro does not do shows to entertain, it develops spaces and projects to play and think.
Cast & Crew
Dramaturgy, choreography and direction - Shantí Vera
Art Direction - Arturo Lugo/ Amplio Espectro
Stage Creative - Sendic Vázquez and Shantí Vera.
Stage Musician - Sendic Vázquez
Original Music and Sound Design - Manuel Estrella*
Assistant director- Melissa Herrada
Lighting Design - Jésica Elizondo**
Video - Fernando Frías/ Maremoto Producciones
Photography - Paulina Cervantes / Maremoto Producciones
Executive Production - Stéphanie Janaina/ Cuatro X Cuatro
Production - FONCA and Cuatro X Cuatro.
*Young Creators: FONCA (National Fund for Culture and Arts) 2017-2018
** Member of the National System of Creators of FONCA 2018-2020.