TEL QUEL! - França
Centre chorégraphique national de Tours
60 minutes, Rating: PG-7
With Tel quel! Thomas Lebrun shoulders a new piece for youth audiences. The thematics dear to the choreographer – difference, tolerance, dreams and humor – are conjured up in a dynamic choreographed work borne by four players. Take your family along!
Let’s talk about the norm, that well-known old gal that, whatever you might say, is still roaming around, especially in the choreography world, since that’s where we are!
Let’s call up gender, since it’s at the heart of evolution and of the construction of persons.
Let’s speak of choice – at least, of the choices we’d like to make.
Let’s invite tolerance, which is often too discreet, because it requires reflection and therefore time!
Let’s slide into dreams, because they are the vector of desire; they carry the imagination and save optimism.
Let’s invite humor, because we must smile, laugh, think, and grow.
Cast & Crew
Yohann TÊTÉ, Veronique TEINDAS
Lighting Manager - Xavier CARRE-LAUBIGEAU
Sound Manager - Jean-Philippe FILLEUL
Tour Manager - Adrien GIRARD