Discussion Tables
4/22 Monday
4:00pm to 6:00pm at the IFB Campus Brasília
From the experiences, testimonies, and analysis of the participants, to reflect, the aim is to problematize and to diffuse ideas and thoughts based on the intellectual, cultural and artistic framework, in different socioeconomic contexts, so that they can be discussed in a transversal way. The discussion will attempt to conceptualize the political body and its importance in the construction of the cultural identity of a society or group, in the identity of the scene, of the artist.
Invited Artists
Larissa Ferreira
Born in Salvador - Bahia. Lives and work at Brasilia. Teacher at Dance Bachelor - Institute Federal of Brasilia. PhD in Arts/Dance at University of Brasilia. Graduated at Dance Bachelor - University Federal of Bahia. Coordinates the Research group Corpografias, with mainly works on Art/Dance in Latin America, with focus on the aesthetics politics on contexts of race and gender. Also develops several works on Dance technology and performance studies , presented at England, Maputo, Germany, Qatar, Italy , Uruguay, Finland and USA.
Kona Zion
Eduardx Kon Zion a non-binary transgender Brazilian, born in Brasília began early her studies in urban dances. These esthetics are present in championships and presentations with the dance groups in which she participated in. Today, Brazil's representative of the House of Zion of New York, a home that applies and studies the Vogue culture and Afro-Latino community created by Pony Zion, choreographer of the first group of Voguing (Vogue Evolution) to present in America's Best Dance Crew program, but dance is not her sole line of artistic study so Kon is also hoster, commentator, Mc, Chanter of BallRoom's (Battles of voguing) She has been pointed out as reference and strengthened this scene in Brazil. With workshops held in various cities in Brazil and Latin America, Kon deepens in the studies of performative dances using references of the most varied nomenclatures and all the vocabulary that she acquired and acquires by studying throughout Brazil.
Raphael Balduzzi
Balduzzi is doing his postgraduate program in Performing Arts PPGCen at the University of Brasilia, admission in 2/2017 with the research Studies of performance strategies of diasporic resistance in drag queens; under the guidance of Professor Paulo Petronilio. His action-research has performances in drag queen that de-contextualizes the drag queen art from party situations taking it to the academic environment, in discussion boards and workshops in institutional settings. He produced four editions of the drag queens's laboratory, Drags Nursery, referring to his research in 2017/2018
4/23 Tuesday
4:00pm to 6:00pm at the IFB Campus Brasília
Taking as reference different processes and procedures for the construction of creative vocabulary and scene production, the purpose of this discussion table is to problematize the importance and function of the continuous research in dance as potential trainer of creators and interpreters. What are the difficulties, advantages, positives and negatives?
Invited Artists
Luciana Lara
Luciana is the founder, choreographer and artistic director of Anti Status Quo Companhia de Dança (1988). She holds a master's degree in arts from the Postgraduate Program in Arts of the University of Brasília - Unb (Research Line: Compositional Processes for the Scene). She studied at the Laban Center for Movement and Dance in London, England (1996-1998), where she studied Coreology, Choreography, Visual Design for Dance (costume, scenery and lighting) with a scholarship from the CAPES APARTES program. She graduated in Performing Arts by the Brazilian Foundation of Theater - Dulcina de Morais Faculty of Arts in Brasília-DF. Her work is known for hybridity, experimentation, language research, an interdisciplinary approach with non-artistic fields and dialogue with the visual arts.
Marcos Buiati
Buiati holds a Master Degree in Cultural Performances by the Federal University of Goias and Bachelor Degree in Dance by UNICAMP. He has worked with research and creation in dance for 13 years. He was sponsored in 2015 by the Support Fund for Culture of the Federal District Culture Secretariat and received the Funarte Klauss Vianna Dance Award in 2014. In 2017 he created the Desaparecer Center for Research in Choreographic Composition and Dramaturgy in Dance - based at the IFB Campus Brasília. He works in the areas of Somatic Education, Body Consciousness, Contemporary Dance, Choreographic Composition and Art-Education.
Sabrina Cunha
Lecturer at the IFB Dance Degree. PhD in Contemporary Art by the University of Brasíla with the thesis Jinen Butô: Corpoimagem in improvisation; Master in Performing Arts by ECA-USP. She coordinates the research group Corpoimagem in Improvisação do IFB. Formed by the Danceability method and in training in the Iyengar Yoga method.