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O Vazio é Cheio de Coisa

Cia. Nós No Bambu

45 minutes

Rating: PG-14


A human body and a bamboo are enough.

From the minimalist encounter between a hollow bamboo and a body covered with the artist's experiences, a profusion of images and meanings invade the public imagination. In a void, an illustrated dramaturgy unfolds through poetry, body, vegetable, gesture, gaze, sound and light.


Cast & Crew

Conception - Poema Mühlenberg

Creative Interpreter - Poema Mühlenberg

Director - Edson Beserra

Choreographer - Edson Beserra e Poema Mühlenberg

Scenography and Bamboo Artist - Poema Mühlenberg

Stage Rigging - Project and Execution - Daniel Lacourt

Colaboration in Scenographic Technology and Stage Rigging - Jackson Prado

Soundtrack/ Music Director - Samuel Mota

Gravado e Masterizado em Zarabatana Records por Samuel Mota

Vozes - Camila Becker

Instrumentação - Samuel Mota

Technical Director and Lighting Conception - Emmanuel Queiroz - Trupe do Cerrado

Costume Designer - Poema Mühlenberg

Dressmaker - Ester Ponte

Audio-visual Director - Caetano Maia

Fotografia - Diego Bresani

Visual Programming- Daniel Grilo

Communications Coordination / Press Officer - Anamaria Mühlenberg

Body Preparation - Movement Practice - Rodrigo Salulima, Fábio Henrique Mesquita and Vinícius Gesteira

Projeto Elaboration - Liane Maria Mühlenberg and Giseli Tressi

Circulation Production - Giseli Tressi

Executive Production - Anamaria Mühlenberg

Production - Galpão Bambu

Execution - Cia Nós No Bambu

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