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Amanaiara - DF

Alumeia Criações Artísticas

5 mins

Rating: General Audiences


"Amanaiara", is a choreographic sequence created from the sound and the possibilities of geometric forms created with the indigenous instrument "rain stick". In this choreography four performers dance to the songs of the Yawanawá people and take turns in movements that emphasize the tradition and the flow of rapid transformations of the contemporaneity. The dancer’s movements reveal the creative collectively constructed customs and work that leads to the creation and preservation learnt from the resistance of indigenous peoples.


Cast & Crew

Director/Choreographer - Aline Melo Producer - Aline Melo

Dancers: Aline Melo

Kênia Cavalcanti

Misael Gomes

Geovane Lima

Iluminação - Alan Mariano

Operador de som - Rafael Alves

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