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Recortes de um Corpo Mambembe - DF
Transições Companhia de Dança e Artes
5´10 minutes
Rating: General Audiences
Through popular dances and creativity, the dancers of the Transições Companhia de Dança e Artes show the itinerant stages that open space for living art with cuttings that make up this patchwork body quilt.
Cast & Crew
Director/Choreographer: Lehandro Lira
Producers: Izabella Beatriz and Lorena Siqueira
Alef Silva
Charlles Costa
Francisco Oliveira
Higor Costa
Jhony Conceição
Kaio Carvalho
Kárita Ferraz
Leonardo Fillipe
Lorena Siqueira
Luciana Cavalcante
Michelly Alves
Nayrelli Sales
Roger Peixoto
Nathalia Santos
The Bank of Brazil, the Embassy of France in Brazil and the French Institute of Brazil
present and sponsor
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